Sunday, November 16, 2008

What do you mean you can't do anything further (Balmedie)

Downing St. 10: While the Government can appreciate there are many who have strong feelings and concerns about this latest proposal, we are unable to comment on the relevant decisions on planning and development, which are the responsibility of the Devolved Administration in Scotland. You can find details of how to contact the Devolved Administration at

Menie Scotland -> Outcome of petition to Scottish gov.

Planning Applications (PE1101)

The Convener: PE1101, by David Milne, calls on the Parliament to urge the Government to ensure that all relevant planning policies and guidance are adhered to and to consider the circumstances under which Scottish ministers instruct local inquiries when planning applications, such as that for a housing and golf development at Balmedie, are considered.

The issue has prompted much public discussion, and it has been discussed in another parliamentary committee. Do members have any views on the petition?

Nanette Milne: I declare an interest, in that I have publicly expressed support for the petition. Beyond that, I think that the issue has been aired significantly both inside and outside the Parliament, and I question whether the committee can do anything further. I therefore suggest that we close the petition—if it is in order for me to do so, having said that I have an interest in the matter.

The Convener: Okay. We will close the petition on the basis that a more appropriate committee has had a chance to explore the detail of the issues that it raises, although I understand that that committee arrived at a firm set of conclusions that not everybody was happy with.