Tuesday, September 09, 2008

dreams and empowerment

is it really a question of empowerment
in the heist
derren brown shows just how empowerment can go wrong
and is it not things like "the secret"
which make many people crash in middle age
when they realize they are not gods
and malleable by wind and whims
or create a sense of unjustified superiority
though if you think you have more to gamble with
your odds do increase
so many wise clever people working hard just to crash and burn
sometimes because they do not make enough noise
but mostly just because

dave matthews sings:
Making plans to change the world
While the world is changing us...

(unpredictable is what life is)

now being older, i am ok not working for development or ngos
because i've heard more stories from the inside
(how can we ever know in advance what will make us happy?)
but we cannot, should not, stop dreaming and aspiring
and hoping that
maybe we can shift some small mountain.

and maybe just maybe
i'll be lucky enough to change the world through my profession

*keeps dreaming*

At 13.9.08, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you gonna stay with the research then, nomad?

are you afraid of burning out?

i guess you need other things in your life than just the ethical rage, but i suppose it is a good start. ;-)


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