the woman of many voices
- and what if we only spoke in
- and do we really prefer people who tell us about ourselves?
- today's chemist says toxicity and corrosiveness are different properties. the world as it spins toward entropy needs more katalysts.
- Iceland's population really only is around 300,000 (of which Reykjavik has 100k)
- watch out for country influenced personality modulations
a) superlatives?
b) diminutives?
would we change, or only the image> the line between self-image and external image continues to blur.
Oh and be careful with undercurrents, sometimes they carry you away.
i found this instructive, with regard to the molecular action level of toxins:
i don't think we prefer people who tell us about ourselves. i hope so, in any case...
i am not sure if i agree with your characterisation of self versus self/alter-image.
i'm from a bigger nation than iceland. i rock!
hope you're happy. did you receive any correspondence?
not agree in the broader context or in this one? do you think they are one and the same? for me i have found cases where they are not, though i cannot quantify or offer complete sets of examples. (reminds me i have to talk to you about cutting corners, conceptual compromises, in a different context)
the thoughts go something like this:
language changes external image as well as thought (self), being multilingual we both can recognize this. one can (occasionally) distinguish between self and image. by altering both self and image in parallel the two can be made to overlap/intersect more.
is it in the distinction that things fall apart for you?
today i am content, irrespective of d'etre ou non etre of correspondence.
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