wake up call / call to action
I don't normally bring the world in here so starkly, nor am I prone to panic.
This time I'm worried. It has taken me far too long to realize the shit has hit the fan.
So the bees are dying in the UK and US
In case the international food crises wasn't enough
wide-spread starving and riots (I am painfully aware just one link isn't representative)
liberians start eating spaghetti
costco and sam's restricting purchase sizes in the US
Not that it's really being talked about, but then again we're all too busy worrying about mortgage rates, loosing our jobs and energy bills going through the roof. Yeah, the world economy is going to bust, we know that don't we? With oil right up there, with water shortages, of course food was bound to follow. We've watched the prices go up, but it's dawning on me that was a warning of something much bigger.
..and I feel like a fucking sitting duck.
If anyone has ideas let me know?
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