Adventures of Sparrow.
This is unedited/inprogress, but copyright me nonetheless.
Comments and suggestions welcomed though not neccessarily adapted.
It's for Mum's birthday (Feb) as she inspired the idea.
Chapter 1. Seagulls
I am simple said Sparrow. No one notices me. It’s not bad really, I come and go as I please with my little wings. Of course the children do. They notice me. The seagulls get most of the bread, but usually the children throw a crumb my way.
They make so much noise the seagulls. My little lungs can’t make that much noise. Maybe if I could I would yell like them, I would and I would get more bread. It’s hard to say, but to be honest I wouldn’t want to be so loud. Maybe if my feathers were whiter, then they would notice me more. Or… if I was bigger. Sometimes I want to be bigger. Sparrow thought a bit about it. Yes, that’s the way it is. I wouldn’t like to be louder, or whiter. I quite like my voice and the tone of my plumage. Most days I’m glad to be small and out of sight too. Most days. Some days I would like to be as big as a seagull. Just so I could tell them to stop yelling. Ask and have them stop. Even if they heard me over their own yelling they wouldn’t listen to a little fellow like me. Not that I have to influence anyone majorly. It would just be nice with a little more respect Sparrow thought.
Such were the thoughts of Sparrow. Simple and deep at once. On occasion he even analysed the colors of the sky in depth. Maybe this was because of the type of friends Sparrow had. It was also quite possible that Sparrow only had friends that understood simple thoughts. Friends that didn’t have to be heard or seen all the time. Friends that didn’t have to constantly show off their plumage, although some of them admittedly were quite pretty. Nor did Sparrow’s friends smell as horribly as the seagulls. Mike the seagull always reeked of tuna for example. Pete of seal. Probably just the way the world worked. Seagulls did bring the oceans breaze together with the fishy smells, so they weren’t that bad really. They were awful slobs and dropped some tidbits they stole from someone or other at the zoo.
They weren’t bad the seagulls, Sparrow thought. I mean- they don’t intend to do any harm. Their only genuine fault (aside from the fish smell) was that they didn’t think. They just grabbed what they could get, regardless of if some else might want or need it. It doesn’t matter if they want it for themselves, just out of habit they grab. It’s not greed as much as compulsion. Maybe they were born that way thought Sparrow as his mind drifted off.
Diffinally a work in progress, but a great start. Can't wait to read the rest.
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