Friday, August 12, 2005

Dolby digital pussy

we're not entertainment systems


we don't hang around to get pushed buttons on like tvs

dolby digital pussy
kudos to M

At 14.8.05, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You scared Nir! You scared me.
This is how it goes, I remember that day.

-What did he wanted?
-What does everyone want? For me to scratch my ear with my back leg, woof, keep quiet, hang myself for his entertainment.
-We are not entertainment systems
Then the stuff you said ( which can so easily be misread for a vigina that makes awful sounds)
+ the stuff you left out, how you were calling me squashy vegetables.

At 14.8.05, Blogger nomad said...

...opps... have to be careful grabbing things out of context huh... I'll leave the dialogue republishing to you next time you saulty squishy tomotoe you...

At 15.8.05, Anonymous Anonymous said...

tomotoe sounds quite right, you doing fine!

At 16.8.05, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummm... Scared isn't the right word... surprised, yes. Taken out of context, most probably. Then again, why am I even trying to defend it? Lets just leave it at "it was an interesting post" for an unusual value of interesting.

At 17.8.05, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Nir who got scared. I called you yesterday. I had a Edinbugh dream.
I cried. YOU DIDN'T PICK UP! It's so over.


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